These are tough times for everyone, including those of us in education. For myself, living on the salary of a first-year public school teacher can be a very challenging thing. I make enough to get by, but just barely. My wife only recently found a part-time job, which will help, but only slightly. We have already cut a few things out of our own personal budget, which was not really that hard to do, but now we will likely cut our health insurance coverage because it is just costs too much. Indeed, the road ahead is sometimes too much to think about, as the economy of education funding is not looking good.
The KC Star has put out this article on the cuts that will likely take place in education in both Kansas and Missouri (the image above comes from the same article). Missouri has been able to avoid making cuts so far, but will no doubt be making them in this upcoming legislative session. Kansas, on the other hand, has made several cuts to their budget, and will be making more as their budget deficits aren't getting any smaller. I know my school district has already announced they will be making budget cuts, although what and who will be cut out has not been announced.
While the cuts are understandable (and from a budgeting policy standpoint, somewhat necessary), they are truly unfortunate. It is not just my own job that is on the line, but the jobs of numerous other teachers and school staff. In the greater scheme of things, the quality of education we will be giving our children will only be hindered by increasing classroom sizes and decreasing lack of resources to school services.
Now is the point in this blog post where I would go off on my socialist rant about the need to increase taxes on the wealthy and cut military and prison budgets to help out health care, education, and other social services. But I won't; not right now anyways. All I want to do is show what 2010 has in store for myself, and the education system in the state of Kansas. I will promise to continue to look at this issue as is develops, and keep readers of this blog (if there are any) informed of the situation both with myself, and here in Kansas.
In addition, I will continue to work as hard as I can to be the best teacher I can be, and continue my professional development requirements so that I can better ensure a renewal of my contract next year (or at the very least, make myself more marketable to other school districts if my contract isn't renewed).Beyond that , I will pray and hope. It isn't just my job, or the jobs of other teachers on the line, but the quality of education so many children in Kansas need.
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